
I am going to divide the classification into two groups, Spanish and foreign; and within the Spanish ones, two types, the old ones up to the year 2000 and the most current ones, which I have called XXI century.

I will classify the Spanish bottles by brand, one by one, and I will also post photos of groups, which are very useful to see the differences between the same bottles, same brand and same size but some letters, shape, etc. are changed.

The classification of the foreign ones I will do it by continents first and in the drop-down list they will be sorted by countries (there are more than 70 countries). The photos will be sorted by brands.

To order the photos, the bottles are catalogued (as well as the photo) with a name composed of 4 letters, 3 numbers and one more letter. The first 4 letters refer to the beer brand (after this text is the list of brands). The numbers are ordered from 001 to 999, I will try to name the photos in such a way that 001 is the oldest bottle and 999 the most modern.

BEER BRANDS (and their abbreviations)

AGLA: El Águila (y Águila Dorada) DUNA: Duna MORT: Moritz
ALCZ: El Alcázar EGAL: E. de Galicia NEBL: El Nebli
ALHM: Alhambra (y Perla Dorada) EGIJ: Estrella de Gijón NORT: Cervecera del Norte (Norte, Oro y Ciervo)
ALMN: La Alemana ELEV: Estrella de Levante PETR: Petry
ANEG: El Águila Negra ESPR: La Esperanza PRIP: Pripps
ASTA: África Star ESUR: Estrella del Sur RBLA: Rosa Blanca
ASTR: La Austriaca  GAVL: El Gavilán SALV: La Salve
AUSV: Auseva GULD: Gulder SKOL: SKOL
AZOR: El Azor HENN: Henninger Brau SMAR: San Martín
CALT: Calatrava HURT: La Huertana  SMIG: San Miguel
CAZU: Cruz Azul LBAC: Laurel de Baco SURÑ: Sureña
CBLA: Cruz Blanca LEON: El León TRIN: Trincal
CCAM: CruzcampoMAHO: Mahou TROP: Tropical
CICS: CICSA (Eurobier, Eurohogar, Europils)MAS-: Mas TURI: El Turia
COST: CostasolMBAL: Moli-Balear VICN: La Vizcaína
DAMM: Damm (y Xibeca, Estrella Dorada, Voll-Damm)MCOR: La Mezquita de Córdoba VICT: Victoria
DORD: DoradaMEDT: La MediterráneaZARG: La Zaragozana